History of Manpower In Pkiastan

History Of Manpower In pakistan and
Role of Ministry of manpower and Overseas Employment Promoters Govt Of Pakistan

The population of Pakistan is 180 million, which is increasing at an annual growth rate of 2.26%. Although the growth rate has declined during the last two decades, yet, it is one of the highest in the world, whereas the labour force estimated is 40.56 million of which 33.94 million (83.68%) are males and 6.62 million (16.32%) are females. The overall Labour force participation rate is about 29%. 37.05million persons (91.35%) of total labour force are employed. Whereas about 3.51 million persons of total labour force are un employed. They Constitute 8.65% of the labour force.

Pakistan has remained an attractive labour market for manpower recipient countries. Prior to 70's the outflow of Pakistani workers was toward Europe, USA, Canada, Middle East, and mainly to Saudi Arabia In the early 80's, the upsurge of developmental activities and booming economies in the advanced countries, in general and oil rich countries of Gulf and Middle East, in particular, which were and are still deficient in manpower resources paved the way for a country having surplus labour economy like Pakistan to ponder over and make effective and constructive polices to capture the labour markets of manpower needy countries.

As such, in order to handle the export of manpower in a legal way and systematic manner, the department of Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment as an attached department of Labour Manpower and Overseas Pakistanis Division was set up on 1st October, 1971, under the directive of Government of Pakistan. Bureau started dealing with the export of Pakistani manpower under the Emigration Act 1922 and rules 1959 which were, later on, replaced and substituted by the Emigration Ordinance 1979 and Rules framed there under. The objectives and functions of the Bureau, as defined in the Emigration Ordinance 1979 and Rules made there under, are to control, regulate, facilitate and monitor the emigration besides looking after the interests of such emigrants.

As many as 3.27 million Pakistanis have proceeded abroad for employment duly registered with the offices of Protector of emigrants during the period from 1971 to 2003 (up to June). The Overseas Employment Promoters, in private sector are playing a vital role in overseas employment. Almost twelve hundred Overseas Employment Promoters at present, are dealing with export of manpower. The Overseas Employment Promoters are granted OEP licence enabling them to proceed to non traditional manpower recipient countries in the world in general and traditional manpower needy countries in the Middle East in particular for having contracts with the leading employers of the aforesaid region to procure maximum manpower demands for Pakistani workforce. The Overseas Employment Promoters after hectic efforts bring demands and report to the concerned regional office called Protectorate of Emigrants for grant of permission for the recruitment of Pakistani workforce. After the permission is granted, the demand is published in the leading newspaper. Ultimately the employer himself or his representative or the

History of Manpower in Pakistan and Role of Ministry of Manpowe and Overseas Employment Promoters Govt of Pakistan. History of Manpower in Pakistan.

Overseas Employment Promoter himself on behalf of the employer completes the process of recruitment. Thereafter the selected and recruited persons are registered with the relevant Protector of Emigrants. At the time of registration the intending migrants are fully briefed about the terms and conditions of the Foreign Service Agreement, Rules & Regulation and other important information of the host countries. It will not be out of place to mention here that 3.27 million Pakistani workers have got employment abroad during the period 1971-2003 (upto June) whereas 80% overseas employment has been managed by the licenced Overseas Employment Promoters.

The Licensed Overseas Employment Promoters, who play a very important role in maximization of export of manpower, are facing the following multifarious problems.

In the beginning Promoters used to get commission in addition to air-tickets for emigrants and other service charges. They were not only stripped of commission but prospective employers refused to pay air passage to emigrants. Then a stage came when they started taking price of visa.

. Employers and sometimes intermediaries prepare and hand over fake documents i.e. Power of Attorney and demand letters, in the name of promoter and charge them for it, employers place the same demand with more than one Promoter and charge cost of visa from all Promoters whereas demand materializes only in one case;

. Work visas are some times without any job or work;
. Employers promise high wages and better working conditions whereas position is to the contrary, in some cases.
. The employer places demand for advertisement to collect C.Vs in order to calculate cost of labour needed in preparation of bidding documents and actual demand after maturity is diverted to some other country or some other Promoter;

. Cost of advertisement is generally not paid by the employer which is a total loss to the promoters;

. The Overseas Employment Promoters are not given business visa to explore job opportunities.
. F.I.A is hampering the process of emigration while creating harassment by conducting raids on the offices
of licensed Overseas Employment Promoters without the permission of the Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment, the dealing department.